Pay Per Head Services
Our sportsbook solutions will allow the bookie to focus on managing their players and their lines. How do we do it? It’s pretty simple. We automate certain processes to make things run faster and smoother. For instance, bookies can just click a button and register their players. In just a short while, a player will be given access to the player site where they can see the wagering options and place their bets.
As for the bookie, he can then monitor all the wagers made in each sporting event. This will allow him to see if any lines need to be adjusted to maximize profit. Online bookies will also have the added advantage of having reports generated by our pay per head solutions for them.

Instead of hiring an analyst, you just make a few more clicks, and reports will be generated based on the parameters you will choose. Lastly, our pay per head services takes care of any technical or customer support. We have 24/7 customer service agents on standby to answer any of your players’ needs. Payouts can also be detailed easily in the site. You, through our pay per head solutions, will have a professional site with professional service agents who will help you and your players at any given time.
Join us for only $7 Per Player
Our complete pay per head services make us one of the best pay per head services in the industry.
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