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Changes in MMA Rules to Take Effect

Changes in MMA Rules to Take Effect

When it comes to Mixed Martial Arts, or MMA, fighters compete under a set of rules during combat. These rules have changed over the years, and it takes a lot of discussion within the industry before these changes happen. But a few long-debated issues will now be put under rest as changes in MMA rules are now out, according to the Association of Boxing Commissions and Combative Sports (ABC).

The ABC recently held their annual conference in Louisville, Kentucky. Commission members Andy Foster and Mike Mazzulli proposed changes to the 12-6 elbows and kicks or knees to grounded opponents rule.

Changes in MMA Rules in Detail

Changes in MMA Rules to Take EffectThese details are very important for you to know as you learn how to be a bookie. These rules can affect the outcome of a fight. And anything that can affect the outcome can also change the odds. And as a bookie, you will need to manage these lines. Thus, you need to know about any changes to any event that you offer in your sportsbook.

Your sportsbook pay per head software will already have the betting odds available. What you need to do as a bookie is to check the action on these lines. Then, you just adjust them as needed.

As to the MMA rules, the 12-6 elbows will no longer be an illegal strike in MMA. This strike is when a fighter makes an elbow strike that is thrown directly downward in a lateral line. Initially, the elbow is perceived to me more dangerous compared to an angled elbow strike.

Changes to Grounded Strikes

Another change in MMA rules is that of grounded strikes. Again this seems minimal but actually has implications for how these fights will play out. Previously, the rule on kicks and knees to the head of grounded opponents was illegal. But the definition of what a grounded fighter is has changed over the years. Thus the need to change the rules as well.

Previously, the rule specifics that to be grounded, the palm of one hand must be down, and/or any other body part must be touching the fighting area floor. Any knee, or arm (fingers do not count) makes the fighter grounded. When the fighter is in this position, kicks or knees to the head are not allowed. The new rules states that “a fighter shall be considered grounded and may not be legally kneed or kicked to the head when any part of their body other than their hands or feet is in contact with the canvas (ground).

How Will These Changes Take Effect?

Changes in MMA Rules to Take EffectThe ABC has approved these rules, but its implementation may not be applied in certain fights. The Unified MMA rules are more of a guideline that other governing bodies can choose to adopt. This becomes quite the problem because whenever there is an MMA event, fighters will need to be briefed on the specific iteration of rules will be followed in each region. Hopefully, more commissions from regions, the US included, will adopt this to avoid more confusion in the sport.

When it comes to betting on MMA, however, things are much simpler. As a bookie, as long as you use a reputable pay per head provider, you will have the best odds in MMA fights. The software will provide your players with a large variety of betting options for each fight. As confusing as these regulations are, as long as you know the latest updates on each fight, you will find it very easy to adjust the lines through your software.


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